Free Language Level Test

Free Language Level Test
Dive in!
Our FREE pre-registration tests ensure that your needs are fully assessed and met with targeted learning solutions. During the test, we collect a variety of information in order to create in-depth student profiles. The data collected serves to create custom programs tailored to your needs.
Plus, try our FREE quizzes here.
Tests for Corporate, Group or Individual Classes
Language tests and consultations are offered to new students FREE of CHARGE with no obligation, and are used to determine compatibility, as well as to create custom programs for private and group classes.
Comprehensive Test: For any students considering a half, regular or extended session of 15-60 hours as a program (a budget of $1050+). Required time: 45-60 minutes per individual.
Brief Consultation: For short targeted coaching blocks under 15 hours (a budget of $140 – $1000), for an audio lesson program or for complete beginners, a brief consultation should suffice to establish your learning targets and design an appropriate program together. Required time: 15-30 minutes per individual.
Returning Students: If your last session with us was over a year ago, you may be eligible for a free re-test. Be sure to mention you’ve had classes before so we can consult your history and profile.
Testing Locations: We recommend taking the test in the same location you expect to have the classes (at work, at home, at Lingo, by Skype, etc.). In-person testing generally provides a more thorough and accurate assessment.
Diagnostic Testing
Looking for a more rigorous testing process with strategies, tips and detailed feedback?
Great for perfectionists, strategic thinkers, big-picture people, high-achievers and independent learners! Find out where you stand on strengths and weaknesses and how to improve your language skills on all levels. Try our 360° personal language diagnostics session. With a thorough report and strategies for you to keep!
Special Needs?
Our standard test may not be ideal for you. If you think you may have special learning needs, are potentially blocked, struggle with language learning or anxiety – consider a short unblocking session (3 hr consultation and test $300) or a more thorough testing process with a 360° personal language diagnostics session ($300). An in-depth profile may benefit you more and get you started on the right foot with a more complete profiling approach.
Get in Touch
Ready to book a test, consultation or find out more?
- French tests* : (+1) 514-885-3887
- English tests : (+1) 514-967-6097
Try our FREE quizzes here.
*authorized independent operators