Class Locations & Formats

Class Locations & Formats

Flexibility. Classes anytime, anyplace.

Learning Formats

Learn at your workplace, residence, in a park or café, by Skype or phone, or at our Outremont classroom…the choice is yours! Our teachers can come to you!

  • In-person
  • Videoconference (Skype, Facetime, Zoom, Messenger, etc.)
  • Your own platform (Microsoft Teams, WebEx, Skype for Business, etc.)
  • Phone*
  • Email Review
  • Audio Lessons
  • Combination Pack!

*long distance phone charges at client expense if applicable


Based in Canada, our head office is nestled in Montreal’s charming Outremont neighbourhood. We proudly serve a local and international clientele, working with clients throughout Canada, the United States, France and elsewhere around the globe.

See map

Lesson Length & Frequency

Depending on your budget and goal, a Lingo session can range from a three-hour workshop to a comprehensive sixty-hour program, lasting anywhere from one week to twelve months. Frequency of classes is entirely up to you – from very occasional through to several times per week.

The recommended class length can vary depending on your location, level, learner profile, delivery format and your learning goals, but are typically as follows:

Lesson Length*
In-person classes: 1.5 – 3 hour lessons
Skype /phone classes: 30 – 90 minute lessons
Audio training: 10 – 60 minute blocks
As per client desires
Session Hours
2 – 60 hours
Session Duration
1 week – 12 months

*Minimum class times may apply to some formats or locations. Contact us to find out more.

I am ready for this!

How to Book

Ready to book a test, consultation or find out more?

Private, families & corporate clients:

Share your story with us. Let us customize a solution for you.

*authorized independent operators