Mp3 Audio Language Lessons

Mp3 Audio Language Lessons
Learn on the run. On your own schedule!
– French and English lessons available –
Learn wherever and whenever you want with this independent language learning solution! Learn on-the-run, between other commitments, and on your own schedule! Enhance pronunciation, vocabulary & communication skills with challenging listen-and-repeat exercises that you can adapt to your reality. So convenient!
We have programs for beginner, intermediate and advanced learners.
Fix up persistent errors. Develop fluency. Build auditory memory. Achieve effective and efficient results. Great for confidence building, slower or faster learners, advanced communication nuances, accent development, and more!
Quality Pedagogy
We design Lingo Audio Lessons with the same diligence, care and enthusiasm as our regular in-person classes. Each lesson has a clear objective and is presented in a friendly and accessible way. The learning experience is interactive and feels very concrete – and the content is all structured according to Lingo’s customary pedagogical standards.
How It Works
- Delivered via email in mp3 format. Download onto your computer, tablet/iPad, desktop, CD, smartphone/iPhone, etc.
- Each recorded lesson lasts 15-30 minutes with a short presentation of the content, followed by several practice and consolidation exercises.
- Repeat each lesson over and over until you master it, giving you 3 to 20 hours of independent work for only $25. That’s around $2/hr!
- A free User Guide is provided with tips on how to optimize your progress and follow best practices.
- Free consultation! Take 15 minutes with a specialist to help you choose what’s best.
Listen to a short sample!
English (excerpt)
French (excerpt)
- $25 per unit. Packages from $125-$250.
- One-on-one support sessions @ $35-$70 each.
- Assessments @ $35 each.
Free Audio Lesson – with Purchase of 5!
Need more structure, a motivational push or in-person support?
Track your progress! Add a progress check or an exit-test with a real teacher. This means you can book a time with a specialist or with your teacher to evaluate your performance on your Audio Lessons and ask any questions if you need help. This can be done in person, online or via a recording sent by email. Hourly teaching rates apply. One-on-one support sessions @ $35-$70 each (30-60 mins). Assessments @ $35 each (30 mins).
Take some workshops! Combine it with in-person classes to boost progress! Buy a block of 3 to 15 hours ranging from $210 to $1050.
List of English Audio Lessons – master many pronunciation concepts, the simple past tense, negatives, polite formulas, business expressions, advanced communication techniques, and more! Detailed program guide upon request.
List of French Audio Lessons – master everyday work verbs, the famous French “y/ll/ie” sound, negatives, elegant structures, expressing feelings and giving impressions in the workplace, and more! Detailed program guide upon request.
À petit prix, j’ai obtenu un matériel didactique de qualité dont je peux intégrer le contenu à mon rythme et au moment qui me convient.
C’est une bonne façon de rentabiliser le temps passé dans la circulation au quotidien. Les premières fois je ne comprenais rien, le débit était trop rapide. Je n’aurais jamais imaginé que la compréhension arriverait aussi vite !
I’m already quite bilingual, but the Advanced Communication Skills lesson helped me with ways to be elegant & polite with people in all manner of situations. The Vowel Sounds Overview lesson was a great choice! This is more conceptual and pedagogical but very useful foundational information.
Je voulais que mon anglais « sonne » Anglais. Les leçons mp3 qui portent sur la prononciation ont répondu à mon besoin.
I’ve been taking advantage of the lockdown to practice my pronunciation with the help of your mp3 lessons. The Lingo voice helps me feel connected with a meaningful human being while improving my pronunciation.
Je suis devenue presque « addict » à ces contenus que je me plais à pratiquer en prenant des marches à l’extérieur. Je me surprends depuis à prendre plaisir à prononcer certains sons qui auparavant m’étaient étrangers et qui me tordaient littéralement la langue lorsque je les utilisais.
I am ready for this!
How to Book & Order
Ready to book a test or consultation to explore your options?
Private, families & corporate clients:
- English lessons – (+1) 514-967-6097
- French* lessons – (+1) 514-885-3887
Share your story with us. Let us customize a solution for you.
*authorized independent operators